COP26 deals could limit global warming to 1.8 degrees, states IEA report

The International Energy Agency has made a very promising report today on the resulting impact that the deals struck at COP26.

The plethora of deals that have been struck already, from ending deforestation to transitioning both developed and developing countries away from coal as a source of energy could together limit the current degree of global warming to 1.8 degrees Celsius.

It's often difficult to measure the direct causal impact that certain initiatives will have on the biggest climate crisis that we're facing - keeping the planet's average temperature from rising.

But on only day four, IEA has "crunched the numbers" and given a clear positive result of the pledges, deals, and agreements that have been made.

It may be above the goal target of achieving no more than a 1.5-degree increase, but it's a far cry from the startling predictions that were made before COP26, which predicted as much as a 2.5-degree rise in temperatures globally.
We only hope now, with tangible results insight, that all the nations and states who have signed these agreements will act upon them, and push for even better results.

In the world of IEA President Fatih Birol, these figures are "a big step forward", but "much more [will be] needed" for us to avoid a significant climate crisis in the future.

You can watch the IEA's roadmap for a net carbon neutral 2050 goal right here:


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