
Showing posts from August, 2012

Facebook Sets the Benchmark on Carbon Footprints

A company's c arbon foot print is an important part of their branding. It  means the  total amount of greenhouse gas produces by a person, company, event, product or organization. The carbon footprint can be measured by undertaking a GHG emissions assessment. Once the size of a carbon footprint is known, a strategy can be devised to reduce it, e.g. by energy saving, technological developments, better process and product management. Facebook has revealed the carbon footprint and energy use of its US data centers and has pledged to use 25 percent sustainable energy by 2015. Facebook currently gets 23 percent of its energy from clean and sustainable sources, 27 percent coal, 17 percent natural gas and 13 percent nuclear. Facebook has two US data centers, located in Oregon and North Carolina, as well as two co-location facilities, one on the East coast and one on the West. "We’re releasing this data because we believe in the power of openness, and beca...

Extreme Weather Pummels Asia

Climatic changes are actually happening and Earth is heating up, the glaciers melting and water is being consumed by the growing population.  S outh Asia is the most vulnerable region of the world as its population is growing far too quickly and the glaciers in the Himalayas depleting very quickly. For Pakistan, the bad news is that the River Indus is 30 to 40 per cent dependent on the Himalayan glaciers. It's not only Pakistan that has experienced record-breaking extreme weather events recently. In the last couple months extreme weather has struck around the world with startling ferocity. In addition to this the monsoon downpours were some of the heaviest seen in recent years. Flooding in Indonesia, drought in South and North Korea, land slides due to heavy rain in Bangladesh.Meanwhile shifts in glacial melt and rainfall are threatening crops and water scarcity in Pakistan is of great concern. Monsoon patterns have mainly disturb severely disturbed by these globa...